Mad Cardener
Platforms: Microsoft Windows
Release Year: 2017
Genre: Idle-Clicker
Studio: Independent
My Role: Game Design, 3D Artist
An idle-clicker "burn 'em up" game. When alien roots infest your land, hop in your car and burn it away with mounted flamethrowers. The more you destroy, the higher you'll score.

Mad Cardener is a idle-clicker game made for the 2017 Ludum Dare game jam, whose theme was "Combine two incompatible/unlikely genres." My entry mixed War of the Worlds-inspired science fiction with gardening.
The game sees you in charge of a large car armed with two flamethrowers, with the purpose of burning away the alien plants infesting a race course. The more you destroy, the more points you earn.
Contributions & Responsibilities:
Designed game systems, race course, and interactable environments.
Used Unity engine and C# to develop and program the game.
Created all 2D and 3D art assets using Aeseprite and Maya.